
Install proprietary Nvidia driver in Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit

After trying to update Nvidia graphic drivers, my monitor was not detected properly and was at a lower resolution. The picture also did not fill the whole monitor leaving a 1 inch black border around the window. Below are the steps I took to install the newest Nvidia graphics drivers for Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. My hardware was an micro-atx Zotac Geforce 8200-itx motherboard with an integrated Geforce 8200 graphics chip.

Links below will only be good for the 295.59 driver version.

  • These instructions come from the Nvidia website found in the "README" file
  • Check if your hardware is supported
  • Check if your software meets the minimum requirements
  • Download driver
  • Disable nouveau open source driver
    • open a terminal and paste in the following commands
    • Create a file to disable nouveau open source driver
      • sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/disable-nouveau.conf
      • Add the following lines to the file
        • # "#" lines are not read and are for your information
        • # Last updated by Chad Chenault on 2012-0725
        • # file created to install propriety nvidia video driver for geforce 8200 on zotac motherboard
        • # This file prevents the opensource nouveau driver from loading at startup
        • #
        • blacklist nouveau
        • options nouveau modeset=0
        • #
      • press "ctrl + o" to save the file
      • press "ctrl + x" to exit nano 
  • Create help text file
    • Open your favorite text editor (nano or gedit for me)
    • copy and paste text from this blog post other sources into the file
      • save file to your home folder as nvidia.help.txt
        • full path of file is "/home/[your user name here]/nvidia.help.txt"
  • login to 2 console windows
  • open help text file in one window with nano
    • ctrl + Alt + F2
    • open help file in text editor
      • nano ~/nvidia.help.txt
  • Open window to execute commands
    • ctrl + Alt + F1
  • I did not complete the instructions but I am posting any way so that I will be able to find the installation instructions if I need to reinstall the driver.


List Your Personal Scripts from the Terminal, Alias Solution

last edit: 2012-0723

Notes: If you see brackets "[   ]" in code, that indicates you supply your own variable in place of the brackets. Example: [date] = You type in "2012-0723". Quotes do not have to be included.

One of the things I enjoy about Linux is the fun and power of the scripting with bash and python. However there comes a time when you accumulate so many scripts that you can't remember their names to run them. One solution is to create a keyboard short cut that lists all the scripts in your script directory. So instead of typing:
> clear; ls -l /home/chad/Documents/scripts
The short cut would be:
> lls
 Aliases are created in two places: /etc/bash.rc or ~/.bash_aliases (~ is a shortcut for your home directory, ex. /home/chad). For this example we will add entries to /etc/bash.rc will allow short cuts to all users including root.

Backup /etc/bash.rc in case you make a mistake
> cp /etc/bash.rc /etc/bash.rc.[date].bak or
> cp /etc/bash.rc /etc/bash.rc.2012-0723.bak
 Edit bash.rc with your favorite text editor
> nano /etc/bash.rc
or if using gnome shell or default Ubuntu
> gksudo gedit /etc/bash.rc

Find section labeled "# Alias definitions." and add your alias commands below this section. My examples are below. The first example lists all files in my script directory.
alias lls='clear; ls -l --almost-all --classify /home/chad/Documents/bin'
alias ll='ls --almost-all -l --classify'  # classify indicates file type
alias la='ls --almost-all'           # long, shows hidden files
alias l='ls -C --classify' #Columns, file types
Next save your file and then update your alias variables so that your terminal shell will we aware of them. You update your bash.rc file using the "source" shell command. The source command is useful to load function or variables stored in another file.
> source /etc/bash.rc
Now test your new alias shortcut and you should see all the files listed in your scripts directory.
> lls
You can change formatting of the ls command. See man ls for options.


Brother HL-2270DW printer driver install: Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit versions

** Update 2016-0717 I am still using this printer on Ubuntu 16.04. Brother now provides the drivers as "deb" files that work with Ubuntu. I would use their drivers instead of the ones that I have here (mine are old now). Also look at the below comment on May 7, 2014 at 3:42 AM by Jo Boug. His method of installation is another good option also.

This post explains how to install Brother HL-2270DW printer drivers in Ubuntu 12.04, 64 bit versions. These instructions also work on Ubuntu 13.04. It should also work for any other Debian linux distributions, however I have only tested this on Ubuntu. Brother does not include 64 bit drivers and thus this why I created this post. There is a previous post on installing in Ubuntu 11.04/11.10 with steps on modifying the Brother 32 bit driver for 64 bit installations http://chadchenault.blogspot.com/2011/09/brother-hl-2270dw-printer-driver.html. The Ubuntu 11.xx instructions will also work for 12.04. The 12.04 includes screenshots and different formatting. You only need to follow my instructions if you are running a 64 bit version of Ubuntu. If you are concerned about security with downloading files that I have patched, you can follow the instructions from the link above to apply the patch yourself. The driver files are current as 05/28/2012.


1.   Download the following 2 driver files that have been patched to work on 64 bit versions of Ubuntu. The patched (modified for 64 bit linux) driver files have "a" added to the file name.

  1.1.2   CUPS patched driver

  1.2.2   Brother printer patched driver

2. Open a terminal window "ctrl + alt + t"
2.1 Install file dependency (lib32stdc++) for 64 bit operating system by pasting the following code into a terminal window.
2.1.1  sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6
2.2   Change into the directory to where the files where downloaded.
2.3   Enter the following two commands from the terminal window. You can copy these commands one at a time and paste them into the terminal window. Press "Enter" key to run the command after pasting.
2.3.1   sudo dpkg -i --force-all hl2270dwlpr-2.1.0-1a.i386.deb
2.3.2   sudo dpkg -i --force-all cupswrapperHL2270DW-2.0.4-2a.i386.deb

USB printing should now work. If you want to configure wifi or ethernet printing, you will need to configure CUPS

3.   Wireless Printing Configuration for wifi (2 methods of configuration: Brothers or CUPS). I prefer the CUPS method.

3.1   Follow Brother's instructions

3.2   Configure printer using CUPS printing system

3.2.1   Open web browser and goto http://localhost:631
3.2.2   login with your Ubuntu user name and password.  If you get a password error (new for 13.10), open a terminal and type in the following command: sudo killall cupsd
3.2.3   Select "Administration" tab up top
3.2.4   Under "Printers" select "Manage Printers"
3.2.5   you will now be at http://localhost:631/printers/?
3.2.5   Select the printer "HL2270DW"
           you will now be at http://localhost:631/printers/HL2270DW   My setting is "Connection: usb:/dev/usb/lp0"
              This is the setting for USB printing ("usb:")   Select from Menu "Administration/Modify Printer" if you are not using USB printing. If you wanted to keep the USB printing option you should select from Menu "Administration/Add Printer"   Enter your Ubuntu user name and password if prompted
                The new page will be titled "Modify HL2270DW" assuming you choose the "Modify Printer" option above.
3.2.7   Select the entry "Brother HL-2270DW series (Brother HL-2270DW series)" from 
the section "Discovered Network Printers:"
3.2.8   There are multiple entries for "Brother HL-2270DW series (Brother HL-2270DW series)" and they do not have the same configurations. I randomly selected one entry and then Select "Continue" at the bottom of the page.
3.2.9   You will get a new page for editing the printers configuration, my configuration follows   Description: HL2270DW-wifi   added "-wifi" since you can also have USB printing and this requires adding a new printer           configuration   Location: Study   Connection: dnssd://Brother%20HL-2270DW%20series._pdl-datastream._tcp.local/   Bold indicates this is for wifi printing, very important to have this correct!!!   If the "pdl-datastream._tcp.local/" was wrong I hit the back button on my browser and tried another entry until I got the correct "Connection" configuration.   Select "Continue" at bottom of page
              You get a new page titled "Modify HL2270DW"

3.2.10   Under "Model" select "Current Driver - Brother HL2270DW for CUPS" If the current driver (PPD file) for HL2270DW is not displayed (a problem with Ubuntu 13.10) then you need to tell CUPS where the driver file is located. At "Or Provide a PPD File:", select "Browse" button and navigate to file: /usr/share/cups/model/HL2270DW.ppd.
3.2.11   Select "Modify Printer"
                You get a new page titled "HL2270DW (Idle, Accepting Jobs, Shared)"

3.2.12   Print a Test Page
3.2.13   Select from menu "Maintenance/Print a Test Page"



Thanks to GSBoomer for this arcane information from this post.
These instructions are heavily copied from my previous post "Brother HL-2270DW printer driver install: Ubuntu 11.04".
Thanks to herrsaalfeld for PPD/driver file location and for "sudo killall cupsd" command when password fails in Ubuntu 13:10.


House buying scam Ron and Beverly Grant 817-886-0939

I received a letter today in the mail that is a scam for buying your house. The note is on yellow paper and printed in red ink. The note says it is from Ron yet it looks like a girls handwriting. The note at first glance appears handwritten, however on closer inspection it is a very clever/good printout. Following is the whole note:

Hello, My name is Ron Grant. My wife Beverly and I would like to buy your house at: 936 Mountain Ter. Please call us at 817-886-0939.
Thanks, Ron

Google the name and you will see this is a nation wide scam. I have included some links below.


Recover Deleted Pictures from Hard Drive

I hope you and I never need this information again. Several years ago, I accidently deleted pictures from my hard drive. I used the program "magicrescue" to recover my photos. This is a linux program. I do not know if Windows has an equivalent. If you are not comfortable running commands from the Linux command line, then you will need be friends with a Linux geek or hire one.

1. after deleting files you need to unmount the drive immediately. This step is then most important or run the risk of writing new data on top of your deleted pictures. Once you write new data on top of the pictures the file will be corrupted.

1.1 since I deleted files on my home directory, I restarted the computer and installed ubuntu on a seperate hard drive (It could also be installed on a separate partition). This allows you to work on the drive without it being mounted. If the deleted data drive is mounted, there is a danger that a file will be written overwriting the drive.
2. boot into new OS with new home directory
2.1 install magicrescue
3.1. sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /media/a # mounts hard drive to store recovered data
4.1 magicrescue -M io -d /media/a/a -r ~/Documents/magicrescue/recipes /dev/sde6
4.2 sudo chown chad:chad * #change ownership of files from root to chad

5.1 this worked, file names are not intact, but picture metadata is.

6.1 used jhead to rename files based upon date in exif data
6.2 http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/usage.html
6.3.1 jhead -n%Y%m%d-%H%M%S *.jpg
6.3.2 This will rename files matched by *.jpg according to YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS

7.1.0 http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_Step_By_Step
7.1.1 run photorec to recover .tiff and other file types. Should run photorec first probably
7.2 photorec [/log] [/debug] [/d recup_dir] [device|image.dd|image.e01]
7.3 $ sudo photorec #asks questions about what to recover, run this command from the directory you want to save files to
7.4 sudo chown chad:chad * #change ownership of files from root to chad

Help, Information, and Links

To view help, type from command line > man magicrescue

This site was helpful http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/126525

The basic command is: magicrescue -d directory -r recipe  device
example: magicrescue -d /mnt/external -r /usr/share/magicrescue/recipes/zip /dev/sda1.

recipes are located at: /usr/share/magicrescue/recipes
I copied recipes to use to ~/Documents/magicrescue/recipes

Good Luck and this was not spell checked


Nano text editor notes and help

Keyboard commands for working with the text editor Nano. Nano is a text editor used in a terminal window in Linux. Usage is > nano [name of file to open or create]

Some commands for my system are different than what is shown on other websites. On my system, I press "Ctrl+g" to display the help menu and command list. ^ = the "Ctrl" key, M- = the "Esc" key

Esc+a  Mark selection for cutting and pasting. Press Esc+a at the beginning of the selection and then move the cursor to the end of the selection. Now the selected text can be copied or cut to the buffer.
Alt+6  copy text to the "cut buffer"
Ctrl+u  paste selection or line
Ctrl+k  cuts selection or line (it is cut/sent to the "cut buffer").
If no text is marked, 'paste' and 'cut' command will copy or cut the entire line of text.
